Perfil de Sandra Covini

Sobre mi
Mis clases

Sobre mi

English teacher with extensive experience in teaching and language training in educational institutions, English institutes and companies.
Coordinator and trainer in Cambridge international exams: KET, PET, BEC, FCE, CAE, Proficiency; IELTS and American TOEFL, TOEIC.
If you are planning to migrate or study abroad, I am an IELTS COACH, I help you analyse your current situation to get the Band Sco...
English teacher with extensive experience in teaching and language training in educational institutions, English institutes and companies.
Coordinator and trainer in Cambridge international exams: KET, PET, BEC, FCE, CAE, Proficiency; IELTS and American TOEFL, TOEIC.
If you are planning to migrate or study abroad, I am an IELTS COACH, I help you analyse your current situation to get the Band Score that you need depending on the VISA, you are applying.
As an IELTS COACH I guide students and provide support and advice for everything related to the IELTS exam.
I update new information about how to to perform your best when it comes time for you to do the IELTS exam.
I introduce you to a community of English language learners around the world who can encourage you give advice that has worked for them.
We work on weekly IELTS specific practice tasks that are just like real IELTS test questions - with sample responses.
And also step by step strategies and tips for completing all sections and question types in the IELTS exam.
I have a Diploma in CEELT - Cambridge Examination in English for Language Teachers, and many courses and certifications In English
I have achieved extensive experience in schools, as a primary and secondary teacher and English coordinator.
I also design training workshops for different areas of companies and institutions.
I have upgraded my skills in Classes On Line, using different approaches and material.
Other tasks include:
Facilitator and Coach in work search processes and CVs.
Collaborator in processes of Recruitment of Personnel in English in companies, with the area of Human Resources.
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Mis clases

Imparto clases Presenciales y Online
Clases de Coaching busqueda laboral , entrevistas y armado de CV En castellano e inglés Buenos Aires Ciudad - Capital Federal, San Isidro
Clase Presencial
$300/h Ver aviso

Valoraciones de mis estudiantes

1 valoraciones
Shirley Veloso
Abril de 2021
Las clases con Sandy las comenzamos en conjunto con mi novio, la verdad es que siempre estuvimos muy contentos de como se llevaron a cabo, sin dudas aprendimos y nos llevamos un monton. Por cuestiones economicas no podemos continuar pero en el caso de retomar, lo hariamos con Sandy!! sus clases son divertidas, se utiliza material ameno y adecuado al nivel por el que se atraviesa. Siempre hay actividades para llevar a cabo o conversaciones en ingles de los mas variado que permite aprender vocabulario. Sin dudas super recomendable y repito que en caso de retomar, volveriamos a contactarla.
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