Paulo tiene paciencia, buenisima onda, es muy informado, y adapta las sesiones segun las necesidades del cliente. Siempre me sentia comodo y atendido por un entrenador con experiencia, quien manejaba las sesiones con motivación positiva, en vez de verguenza. I'll write the rest in English for other foreigners looking for a trainer while they're in Buenos Aires. Paulo doesn't believe in using shame as a motivator and works with people of all sizes. He is patient, kind, and willing to exceed expectations to support you in your journey--based on your goals, not his. I wanted a trainer badly, but I didn't want to work with a 22 yo with an 8-pack. I needed a grown man who understands that our bodies change after 35. He is the perfect pick for all of us who find ourselves with a "dad bod," including those who aren't dads, lol. Meet with him virtually, and he'll put you at ease in about two minutes. If you don't speak Spanish, he'll make it work. Don't worry :)