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Localidad Puerto Madryn
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Luciano en pocas palabras
What if you were one step from getting your dream job, from passing that one test, closing a sale, or meeting someone amazing from another part of the world but the one thing holding you back is not knowing how to say THAT ONE WORD? Yes, that word. How was it!?!? Well, I would like to offer you the opportunity of getting rid of all you inhibitions, of all the doubts and to learn how to speak nati...
What if you were one step from getting your dream job, from passing that one test, closing a sale, or meeting someone amazing from another part of the world but the one thing holding you back is not knowing how to say THAT ONE WORD? Yes, that word. How was it!?!? Well, I would like to offer you the opportunity of getting rid of all you inhibitions, of all the doubts and to learn how to speak native English in a fun and dynamic way. How? Practice, failing without feeling shame, and more practice with a native English speaker could help you take your conversational skills to another level. By dominating your tong, training your vocal cords, and learning how to place your lips correctly you can turn into a solid, natural, English speaker.

Que tal si estuvieses a un paso de conseguir tu trabajo de ensueño, de pasar esa evaluación, de cerrar una venta, o de conocer a una persona maravillosa de otra parte del mundo pero la única cosa impidiéndotelo fuese no saber como pronunciar ESA PALABRA? Si, esa palabra. Como era!?!? Bueno, quisiera ofrecerte la oportunidad de deshacerte de todas tus inhibiciones, todas tus dudas y aprender a platicar el inglés nativo en una manera divertida y dinámica. Como? Práctica, equivocarte sin avergonzarte, y más práctica con un angloparlante nativo pueden llevar tus habilidades conversacionales a otro nivel. A través del dominio de la posición apropiada de tu lengua, el entrenamiento de tus cuerdas vocales y aprendiendo como ubicar tus labios correctamente, pueden transformarte en un sólido y natural angloparlante.
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