Perfil de Gustavo Haritz

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Sobre mi

Native Spanish speaker offers Spanish classes for foreigners. Restless by nature, I am interested in foreign languages, literature, history, philosophy and archaeology. I can teach in English. I also have knowledge of French, Italian and Russian. I am studying at the Faculty of Philosophy and Literature. Therefore I can adapt to the student's pace based on his own motivations. For all this, it...
Native Spanish speaker offers Spanish classes for foreigners. Restless by nature, I am interested in foreign languages, literature, history, philosophy and archaeology. I can teach in English. I also have knowledge of French, Italian and Russian. I am studying at the Faculty of Philosophy and Literature. Therefore I can adapt to the student's pace based on his own motivations. For all this, it is precisely that there is not a single and dogmatic method but infinite possibilities. We all live a never-ending journey and each language is a journey within another. Be it Spanish or any other language, allow yourselves to live those journeys. There is no age or lost path. It is never too late to start .... and the night of time is still far away. Well, I'll wait for you by the mail. See you soon!
Nativo hispanohablante ofrece clases de español para extranjeros. De naturaleza inquieta me interesan las lenguas extranjeras, la literatura, la historia, la filosofía y la arqueología.Puedo dar las clases en inglés. Además tengo conocimientos de francés, italiano y ruso. Estoy cursando en la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Por tanto puedo adaptarme al ritmo del estudiante en función de sus propias motivaciones. Por todo esto es que precisamente no hay un método único y dogmático sino infinitas posibilidades. Todos vivimos una sempiterna travesía y cada lengua es una travesía dentro de otra. Sea el español o cualquier otra lengua permítanse vivir esas travesías. No hay edad ni camino perdido Nunca es tarde para empezar....y aún la noche de lo tiempos está lejana. Bueno, los espero a la vuelta del mail. ¡Hasta pronto!
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