My Teaching Journey So Far: From Face-to-Face on a Contract to Online Freelancer

Hello everyone!

As some of you already know, I've been teaching English for a few years now, 6 and counting to be precise. I've helped various age groups: from 2-year-old babies to 60-year-old grandmas and grandpas. It's been a fun ride, that's for sure.

Encontrá tu profesor ideal

I love what I do. I am passionate about it and, I have to say, I've become pretty good through the years. Even though I am not a native speaker and resort to dictionaries and grammar books often, I've learned quite a few tricks and have a very positive and respectful attitude, which my students love. I work hard to adapt to each person's individual needs, pace, objectives and interests. Last, but not least, I use great materials, because standing on the shoulders of giants is the only way. Oxford University Press - ELT.

I used to give mostly face-to-face classes at academies, schools and offices for years. However, the urge to go online was ever-present. With the pressure of the pandemic and my desire to live in the countryside, I finally made it.

It started this January, after various twists and turns, ups and downs, storms and sunny days: I registered as self-employed in Spain, posted some adverts and started getting students. Both face-to-face and online. The pandemic had actually helped! People in Catalunya preferred online, it seemed. Eventually, I dropped all face-to-face classes and have finally become the digital nomad/wanna-be rock star teacher, I've always dreamed of being.

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A veces necesitamos complementar la docencia ordinaria con clases particulares a domicilio, otras veces es cuestión de libertad pa...

Huge thanks to the Хелен Дорон Пловдив - Helen Doron Plovdiv team and Хелен Дорон България - Helen Doron Bulgaria for all the support and training. I've learned so much there! The Helen Doron method is simply genius, I truly recommend anyone with young children to sign them up at a local HD academy. You will not regret it. I must say, giving a free class in the beginning to showcase my work has really paid off and I first saw it at HD. Once a Helen Doron teacher, always a Helen Doron teacher.

Many thanks, as well, to BRITANICA, after all my teaching journey started there. My warmest gratitude to Mayfair School of English in London, where Helen made me believe I could actually become a teacher, something I didn't seem to imagine until meeting her.

Thanks to Образователен център "Акцент" in Sliven, my hometown for giving me the opportunity to keep teaching, while I was working on a rural project, growing food and working the land. 2017 was the best!

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Finally, immense thanks to all my students, hope you are all doing great and have not given up on learning. Seeing you guys progress has always been and will be the greatest reward for all the hard work. Much Love!

This beautiful journey, on which I've met thousands of inspiring people, forged life-long connections and built myself as a person, has led me here: In the process of creating my own website, YouTube channel and online academy. Still a massive way to go. However, many steps closer than ever before.

  1. If I have helped you at some point and you enjoyed studying with me, leave me a little review or a thumbs-up, I really appreciate those. I am using the opportunity to show you my Tusclasesparticulares page, where some of my students have shared their opinion.
  2. If you need some help for work, studies, certificates, etc. let me know, we can schedule your free class asap.
  3. If you simply love seeing other people grow and succeed, share this page, tell your friends, help me create a little community, every little goes a long way

Thanks a lot for reading and supporting me throughout.

Stay healthy, curious and grow wise.
